Happy half birthday to my blog.
This week, My blog has reached the 6 month mark.
Happyhalf birthday to it and to me. It's proud father.
Six month of trying to figure out my life in public and trying to put some images with it.
What are the conclusions?
Seems like the story of my life is les complicated than I make it to be.
The story of someone feeling he's an outsider everywhere he goes.
Feeling alone and misunderstood.
Feeling seperated from the world.
Yet at the same time, my work, seems to be playing all over.
I am so worried that I am not communcating with the outside world, and yet I keep having screenings of my films all over the world.
Today I got an email that the Yiddish film will play in Port Townsend Seattle in a Film Festival there.
I should have been happy. Slowly we're reaching communities all over the US.
We've already played in California, Georgia, Utah, Kentucky, and soon in Canada.
So we're getting around.
So why do I feel isolated?
Perhaps because the films have not succeeded in breaking into the mainstream. They are real films with real emotions, so they communicate with those who actually take the time to watch the film and let it affect them.
But in the main events, with the cold hearted sharks, I still haven't figured out how to play the game right and create the momentum that will allow those gatekeepers who care very little about quality and more about the overall politics- I can't seem to play the game right. I'm losing not because of my talent as an artist, but because of my talents as a politician.
Happy half birthday Blog.
And thanks to the programmers in port townsend, whereever that may be in Seattle.
I know your audience will love the film.
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