Thursday, July 06, 2006

So July 4th is behind us.
The new Superman did ok at the box office, but not stellar.
Guess kids didn't understand the complex world Brian Singer tried to depict.
Seems like when I grew up, the world looked a little less scary, cause grown ups didn't want to show us how complicated the world really is.
Now, artists , not wanting to grow up themselves, want to persuade the rest of us, why we should be afraid of growing up and allow them to stay infantile.
Seems like all the latest kids films have much darker themes than ever before.
Even Superman, the man of steel, the simplest story of them all now gets much more 21st century undercurrents.
Lois Lane is now an unmarried mom with a young child.
How will middle America see this film, I wonder?
Then again, I lately read that almost 50% of the US population is divorced, so perhaps that's becoming the norm.
As Bob Dylan once sang : "The time's they're a changin'"

This American Independence day, I've felt stronger than before the feeling of exile.
Feeling misplaced, feeling a stranger in a strange land.
Don't know why.

I talked to several Americans at the beach party I went to, and I realized everyone, even the ones who have been in this country feel they're don't belong.

The curse of the 21st century is the feeling of not belonging. Feeling there are two kinds of people. The shiny happy people, living in fantasy land, in People magazine. And all the rest of us, on planet earth, living the normal life.

I used to feel more a feeling of belonging until I went into film, and realized I have a sensibility, that connects to the public, but not to the heads of our film industry.
Will I ever go home?
I hope so, but at this part of the journey I remember the title of that classic American book ; " You can never go home again."

Come on Dorothy, find the Wizard, so we'll all learn the secret how to return home.

Happy Fourth.
Happy Independence day, my fellow strangers.


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